Omar Bakry
Omar Bakry is a non traditional storyteller that is not defined by any one
culture. Born in Sweden, raised in Egypt, and now a filmmaker in New
York. This global background is always reflected in his work, bringing a
hard earned awareness of the fragility and toughness of the human
condition. Originally a painter with a B.A in Fine Arts, in 2007 he
moved to New York to study film at the New York Film Academy.
He currently attends the Roger Simon Studio as a writer/director. He has
wrote and directed many projects including festival played experiential
“Aggression” and a feature film “His Man” 2014, through his company
Timewormz. His Theater work includes "Black was the day kind were
the heartbeats" which was read at Lincoln Center 2017, "Superman and
Serena" selected for the NYC Winterfest and produced for three nights
at the Hudson Guild Theater, 2020. His play "BRB" recently won The
Urban Stages "Acronyms ten minute play competition."